Building Resilience and Remaining Committed, to Uncovering God’s Plan

Introduction: Life’s journey is a winding path with obstacles and challenges. For those on a quest to unveil their purpose or discern God’s calling the road ahead may seem daunting at times. There are moments when we feel the urge to give up to deviate from the path we've chosen. However, it is during these times that resilience transforms from a virtue into an essential trait.


Understanding Resilience: Resilience is commonly described as the ability to bounce back swiftly from hardships. Yet within the realm of faith and purpose, it transcends recovery—it involves moving with faith and determination even when the way forward appears uncertain. As renowned author C.S. Lewis once penned "Hardships often equip individuals for destinies."


For believers, resilience is deeply intertwined with our connection to God. It entails placing trust in His presence beside us navigating us through life temptations and molding us through trials for the mission He has entrusted us with.


Scripture and Joseph’s Story: The Bible abounds with stories of individuals who exhibited resilience, in adversity. One of the impactful examples is seen in Joseph’s narrative.

Joseph’s life, chronicled in the book of Genesis serves as a testament, to the importance of perseverance. His journey was far from sailing. Betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, and unjustly imprisoned Joseph encountered obstacles. Despite these adversities, he remained steadfast in his faith. Believing that there was a purpose behind his struggles Joseph found solace in the thought that God had a plan for him. In Genesis 50;20 Joseph reflects on his trials with the words "You meant evil against me;. God meant it for good." This perspective underscores his trust in providence.

Josephs resilience wasn't about enduring hardships; it was rooted in his conviction that Gods hand was guiding him through the darkest moments. His story serves as a reminder that our trials might be part of a design that is not immediately apparent to us.


Lets shift our focus to a example of resilience. The Grand Canyon Expedition of 1869 led by Major John Wesley Powell. This daring expedition faced challenges such as rapids, limited food supplies and constant peril, along their journey.

When the journey turned dangerous some team members decided to quit out of fear, for their lives. They left their boats. Tried to hike out of the canyon but sadly they never returned. Their choice to deviate from the path ultimately led to their end.


On the contrary, those who stayed in their boats faced the challenges bravely despite the waters. They confronted obstacles head on putting their faith in their leader and their abilities. Their determination eventually guided them to safety and triumph.


This tale symbolizes the journeys we all embark on. Like rough waters test our resolve there are moments when giving up seems tempting. Those who stand firm in relying on guidance will discover that perseverance brings its own rewards.


In today’s context resilience, in our paths goes beyond enduring difficulties; it involves trusting that a higher power accompanies us every step of the way.

As Pastor Rick Warren once mentioned, "To fulfill God’s plan, for your life, you must align with His purpose in your time not that of your parents or children." This calls for perseverance and a strong dedication to stay committed when the path ahead seems tough.


The apostle Paul reminds us in Galatians 6;9 (NIV) "Let us not grow weary of doing good for in season we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Paul experienced firsthand the challenges that come with following God’s calling. Despite facing beatings, imprisonment, shipwrecks, and numerous hardships he remained resilient and wholly devoted to the mission entrusted to him.


In our lives, resilience could mean persisting in serving and loving others when our efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated. It could involve holding onto faith during times of prayers or trusting in God’s timing when His plans diverge from ours. As the evangelist Billy Graham famously stated, "Mountaintops offer views and inspiration but it is in the valleys where fruit is cultivated." It is often, amidst difficulties and trials that our faith grows stronger and our purpose becomes clearer.


How can we nurture our resilience in following God’s purpose? Here are some practical steps to consider;

1.    Stay Connected with God; Engage in prayer, meditation, on Scripture, and worship to stay rooted in faith and remember that God is always by our side.


2.    Seek Community Support; Surround yourself with believers who can offer encouragement, prayers, and companionship on your journey.


3.    Reflect on Past Triumphs; Take time to recall how God has shown His faithfulness before. This reflection can provide the confidence needed to trust Him in the present and future.


4.    Keep the Greater Plan in Perspective; Recognize that your current challenges may be part of a design unfolding in your life. Have faith in His control.


5.    Embrace Rest Without Fear; Resilience doesn't mean avoiding breaks. Sometimes the wisest choice is to pause, rejuvenate, and trust in God’s timing for continued strength, on the path.


At Coram Deo, we walk alongside people on their journey who want to develop leadership skills to take their skills and have more of an impact for God’s kingdom.



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