Jesus Apprentice Program

The teachings of Jesus in the Gospels offer a guide for development and leadership enhancement and training. His method was purposeful and based on relationships. Aimed at bringing about transformation presenting insights, for modern believers seeking to walk in His path.

Jesus had an approach, to mentoring His disciples sharing meals, traveling together, and being involved in their daily lives. This close bond allowed for teaching and guidance. In the book of John 15;15 (NIV) Jesus expresses this closeness by saying, "I no longer call you servants because a servant doesn't know his masters business. Instead, I call you friends because I have shared everything I learned from my Father with you.”

Many modern Christian leaders also emphasize the importance of relationships in discipleship. Francis Chan, author of "Multiply; Disciples Making Disciples " highlights that our purpose is to love God and love others, which lies at the core of discipleship. Establishing relationships rooted in Christ’s love. By investing time and care into these relationships we create an atmosphere where spiritual growth can thrive.

The main focus of discipleship is on bringing about transformation. Through His teachings, actions, and support for His followers, Jesus catalyzed a change, within them. They transitioned from fishermen, tax collectors, and ordinary individuals to fearless preachers of the Gospel.

In Acts 4;13 (NIV) scripture mentions how astonished the religious leaders were when they witnessed the courage of Peter and John realizing that these two men were individuals who had been, in the company of Jesus.

Renowned Christian philosopher and author Dallas Willard in his book "The Divine Conspiracy " highlights the impact of discipleship. He emphasizes that the crucial question facing society today is whether those who are associated with Christianity will truly become followers—students, learners practitioners—of Jesus Christ. This entails acquiring wisdom from him on how to embody the Kingdom of Heaven in every aspect of life.

Teaching and modeling; Share knowledge through teaching. Exemplify a life that reflects the values of Christ, through your actions.

Empowering and sending; Inspire disciples to take up leadership roles and provide them with opportunities to serve and minister.

Following the example set by Jesus in discipleship is a method to nurture growth and advance the Kingdom of God. By being purposeful building relationships and focusing on transformation we can equip disciples who will further Christ’s mission. Let us keep in mind His assurance from Matthew 28;20 (NIV) "And surely I am with you always, to the end of the age."


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