Is God Calling Me?

Have you been feeling a growing sense that God may be calling you to a specific purpose or ministry? Discerning God's call can be an incredible but complex journey. This simple reflective questionnaire can provide some insight into your current experience and prompt you to pray through it.

Remember, discovering your calling is rarely an overnight aha moment. It develops over time through prayer, studying Scripture, seeking wise counsel, and watching for confirmations from God along the way.

Take a few minutes to honestly consider and answer each yes/no question below. The scoring rubric at the end can help gauge if God may indeed be nudging you in a new direction for this season.

Personal Reflection

1. Have you felt an increasing desire to use your gifts/talents in a particular type of ministry or service?

2. When learning about or participating in that type of work, does your heart burn with passion and energy?

3. Have others close to you commented that they see you gifted and thriving in that area?

4. Do you sense God providing confirmations through Scripture, sermons, or circumstances that align with that potential calling?

5. Has this possibility been a persistent, lasting idea rather than a fleeting thought?

6. Are you willing to go through whatever training/equipping is required for this new role?

7. Are you willing to make sacrifices in terms of time, finances, comfort if needed to pursue it?

8. Do you believe your family/community would ultimately support and embrace this calling if confirmed?

9. Can you serve in this way with proper accountability, under spiritual authority?

10. Do you have an increasing peace and clear sense that this is what God wants for you in this season?

Scoring Reflection:

• 8-10 Yes: Strong indication God may be calling you. Seek confirmation and wisdom on the next steps!

• 5-7 Yes: Potential call, but need further prayer/discernment. Watch for more confirmations.

• 0-4 Yes: Likelihood is low this is a current calling. Don't close the door, but no need to pursue it currently.

Remember, this is simply a reflection tool, discernment is a journey. Continue seeking counsel in prayer, stay rooted in Scripture, and bring others you trust into your discernment journey. Wherever God leads, He will continue to affirm and open the necessary doors in His perfect timing!